Golf Schools

Founder and Course Director

It is closing on 25 years that ‘Black Hat’ Tony Meechai has been a disciple of the late and great Manuel de la Torre. Manuel is the PGA of America’s first recipient of their National Teacher of the Year award. Significantly, Manuel is among but a few instructors inducted into both the PGA Hall of Fame as well as the World Golf Teachers Hall of Fame.

‘Black Hat’ Tony Meechai became an advocate disciple of Manuel de la Torre’s instruction because it proved to accomplish two critical objectives better than any alternative available then or now:

  • it de-mystified the golf swing making it easy to understand and
  • it simplified the golf swing making it easy for players to experience improvement.

Manuel’s approach to golf instruction is straightforward:

  • Golf is a game of sending the ball to a target.
  • The club is solely responsible for controlling the ball.
  • Instruction focuses on teaching the golfer how to use the club to control the ball.

The approach is called “club-focused” instruction. It has stood the test of time for almost 100 years since its development by World Golf Hall of Fame instructor, Ernest Jones.

De la Torre is the world’s most renowned expert on Jones’ golf instruction and has further enhanced that instruction based on his more than 50 year experience.

All workshop classes are conducted exclusively by ‘Black Hat’ Tony Meechai. We want each player to benefit directly from Meechai’s two decades of game improvement for golfers. Even on the first morning of their session, golfers experience their game already improving!