Golf Schools


The Black Hat Golf Schools is suitable for players of all skill levels – from beginners to pros. The unique golf training program improves lives through the integration of workshops, instruction, golf fitness and includes enhanced mindfulness at Lotus Valley Golf Resort near Bangkok. The day begins with breakfast, followed by an orientation and presentation, providing a great way to kick off the day. Following breakfast, attendees then transfer to the golf workshop modules, followed by a group lunch and summary.

The training and practice facility provides the ideal learning environment which make game improvement much more effective for the student! Training on natural turf and actual golf practice holes helps students gain the confidence necessary to continue to improve throughout their lifetime!


Better Your Life with Golf Today!

Golf Workshop Curriculum Your golf workshop curriculum is comprehensive from green-to-tee:

  • Putting – improve your putting stroke and learn distance control and reading greens.
  • Chipping – improve your chipping and learn distance control and club selection.
  • Full Swing – develop a very effective swing that optimizes both distance and accuracy.
  • Approach shots – understand and become more comfortable and confident within 150 yards.


Attending our 1-Day Golf Workshops, you give yourself the time to make improvement not achievable from an hour golf lesson. You’ll receive personalized instruction on putting, chipping, pitching and your full swing. Because we personalized the instruction, both beginning golfers and low handicap players find they make remarkable improvement during their time with Black Hat Golf Instructors.

Black Hat’s Commitment to You:

  • Your golf swing will be simpler and clearer than it has ever been!
  • You will hit better shots than you ever have – and more consistently!


Become Better Today!


Curriculum Objectives

  • My understanding of my golf swing has never been simpler.
  • I have experienced myself making the golf swing I have been taught.
  • I am hitting better golf shots and more of them than I ever have.
  • I did not hit every shot correctly, but when I didn’t I understood why and what to do about it.
  • I’m much more confident and consistent on the golf course.



Typical Workshop Day


We get to know you and discuss your ideas about your golf swing. Our first golf instruction session is devoted to swing principles that are common to all shots. We then begin to apply these principles to your putting stroke. Players find their putting improves immediately. We then begin to enlarge the swing from putting to chipping. The session begins with a presentation on setup and grip. Players discover that their chipping improves almost immediately as they realize they are applying the same swing principles they used in putting. Putting and chipping become seamless with the only significant difference being the size of the swing. We again increase the length of the swing’s arc to achieve a full swing. Player’s find again that the fundamentals learned for putting and chipping are common to the full swing. They experience the consistency and seamless quality developing in their game. The swing becomes simpler and shots improve.


We return to the practice tee to reinforce the prior day’s lesson on full swing. Players now experience how that swing applies to all the irons and woods. By this point, players have learned to produce an effective swing that allows them to control the direction of both their putts and approach shots. Depending upon the progress, the golf coach will address reading greens, distance control and bunker play. The day concludes with a return to the classroom where the golf coach will guide the player to record key golf lessons from the day in their Learning Log. This written record both aids in making the learning experience more impactful but is also an invaluable reference for practicing in the days following the golf workshop.